This documentation supports a self-driven Do-It-Yourself (DIY) implementation of an artificial pancreas based on the OpenAPS reference design. By proceeding to use these tools or any piece within, you agree to the copyright for more information; and 华为手机youtube上加速软件 and release any contributors from liability, and assume full responsibility for all of your actions and outcomes related to usage of these tools or ideas.
Note: We do not recommend using a PDF version of this guide. The docs are updated continuously, and with a PDF, you will not get the freshest real-time edits. Be aware if you download a PDF that when you have Internet connectivity, we recommend instead having the docs pulled up in an Internet browser so you can refresh. This is especially true if you are working on a setup over the course of multiple days.
手机显示YouTube停止不能进去怎么办-百度经验:2021-11-19 · 手机显示YouTube停止不能进去怎么办,在手机显示软件停止,进不去,那么该如何解决的了?这个由于你手机没有安装市场的原因,只需要把它安装了之后,那么就可伍进入软件了的。
This is a set of development tools to support a self-driven DIY implementation. Any person choosing to use these tools is solely responsible for testing and implementing these tools independently or together as a system.
The DIY part of OpenAPS is important. While formal training or experience as an engineer or a developer is not a prerequisite, a growth mindset is required to learn to work with the “building blocks” that will help you develop your OpenAPS instance. Remember as you consider this project that this is not a “set and forget” system; an OpenAPS implementation requires diligent and consistent testing and monitoring to ensure each piece of the system is monitoring, predicting, and controlling as desired. The performance and quality of your system lies solely with you.
This community of contributors believes in “paying it forward,” and individuals who are implementing these tools are asked to contribute by asking questions, helping improve documentation, and contributing in other ways. Have questions? Hop into Gitter and ask anytime!
The foundation of OpenAPS safety features discussed in this documentation are built on the safety features of the hardware used to build your system. It is critically important that you only use a tested, fully functioning FDA or CE approved insulin pump and CGM for closing an automated insulin dosing loop. Hardware or software modifications to these components can cause unexpected insulin dosing, causing significant risk to the user. If you find or get offered broken, modified or self-made insulin pumps or CGM receivers, do not use these for creating an OpenAPS system.
Additionally, it is equally important to only use original supplies such as inserters, cannulas and insulin containers approved by the manufacturer for use with your pump or CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause CGM inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors. Insulin is highly dangerous when misdosed - please do not play with your life by hacking with your supplies.
Understanding OpenAPS (Overview)
- How OpenAPS works
- How does your closed loop gather data?
- 华为手机模式具体设置步骤 - 软件帝:2021-6-15 · 身边使用华为手机的朋友很多,那么用户伊想要设置不同的模式该如何操作呢?为此小编特地带来了华为手机模式具体设置步骤,希望可伍帮到大家。 华为手机模式具体设置步骤 1、打开手机的“设 …
- How this guide works/overview of steps
- What you’ll see in this guide
- Where to go for help
- Read the documentation!
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Gitter
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Google Group - everyone is welcome to join!
Gear Up
- Hardware overview
- Notes about deprecated hardware setups
- Compatible Pumps
- How to check pump firmware (check for absence of PC Connect)
- 华为畅享9 plus系统自带应用如何卸载?畅享9plus卸载系统 ...:2021-11-16 · 华为畅享9 plus系统自带应用如何卸载?华为畅享9 plus手机搭载的4000mAh的电池,可超长待机,不过现在的智能手机自带的应用太多,要如何的卸载呢?接下来的文章中小编将会带来详细的操作方法介绍,感兴趣的朋友不妨阅读本文了解一下。
- Can I downgrade my pump firmware?
- Tips for finding a compatible pump
- Word of warning: Pump repairs rendering pumps useless for looping
- Tips for longer battery life
- Compatible CGMs
- Using a Dexcom CGM
- Using the Medtronic CGM
- 标签华为文章列表 - TechFoco | Focus on Technology:1 天前 · 终于来了!华为正式发布自研操作系统鸿蒙,华为发布面向 2021 十大趋势,华为新贵方舟编译器,看这篇就够了,华为的一道面试题,华为 “鸿蒙” 所涉及的微内核到底是什么?一文带你认识微内核,“开源” 的战争:鸿蒙路漫漫,华为开发自己的 AppGallery 应用商店,已向开发者发出邀请,Pwn2Own 华为某漏洞 ...
- Offline looping options
- Get your rig parts
- Hardware information for Pi-based setups with the Explorer HAT
- 手机怎么上youtube看视频 - 秀创科技:2021-11-19 · 手机怎么上youtube看视频 - 操作方法:需要使用加速器,可伍在谷歌商店搜索此类应用,打开加速器,选择加速节点,之后打开youtube即可使用,如果播放卡顿,可伍切换节点。软件使用技巧:1、在YouTube14.45.52版本中,可伍查看近七天的观看时长,打开软件,点击右...
- Hardware information for Pi-based setups with the Adafruit RHM69HCW Bonnet
- Hardware information for Pi-based setups with rewired TI-stick
- YouTube投1亿美元用于“放大”黑人创作者声音 - Google ...:2021-6-12 · 据外媒报道,YouTube推出了一项1亿美元的基金,将其通过培养人才和资助新节目来“放大”黑人创作者的声音。当地时间6月11日下午 ...
While You Wait For Gear
- Collect your data & prepare
- Practice good CGM habits
- Use your gear
- Make Your First PR
- Setting up Nightscout
- Nightscout Introduction
- Nightscout Setup with Heroku
- Nightscout Migrations
- 华为手机模式具体设置步骤 - 软件帝:2021-6-15 · 身边使用华为手机的朋友很多,那么用户伊想要设置不同的模式该如何操作呢?为此小编特地带来了华为手机模式具体设置步骤,希望可伍帮到大家。 华为手机模式具体设置步骤 1、打开手机的“设 …
- Understand your rig
- Pi HAT rig
- Edison/Explorer Board rig
- Entering carbs & boluses
- Doing boluses
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Basic diabetes math
- OpenAPS decision inputs
- OpenAPS decision outputs
- Understanding the purple prediction lines
- Understanding the basic logic (written version)
- OpenAPS algorithm examples
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Monitoring OpenAPS
- The main ways of monitoring your rig ONLINE include:
- The main ways of monitoring your rig OFFLINE include:
- You’ll probably come back to this page later to setup different monitoring options
- Accessing your online rig via SSH
- 华为手机|荣耀手机官方论坛-花粉俱乐部:花粉俱乐部是华为官方唯一的伍服务花粉为宗旨的综合性网站,提供最新华为、荣耀手机(荣耀30/华为P40/荣耀X10/荣耀V30/华为 ...
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Apache-chainsaw
- Accessing your offline rig
- Preferences and Safety Settings
- Editing your preferences.json
- Commonly-adjusted preferences:
- oref1-related preferences:
- Exercise-mode related preferences:
- Understanding your wifi options
- Home Wifi
- Home router
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Mifi device
- Known wifi networks
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
Build Your Rig
- Installing OpenAPS
- Step 1: Jubilinux (for Edison rigs only)
- Steps 2-3: Wifi and Dependencies
- Step 4: Setup script
- Log rotate fix
- Step 5: Watch your Pump-Loop Log
- 华为畅享9 plus系统自带应用如何卸载?畅享9plus卸载系统 ...:2021-11-16 · 华为畅享9 plus系统自带应用如何卸载?华为畅享9 plus手机搭载的4000mAh的电池,可超长待机,不过现在的智能手机自带的应用太多,要如何的卸载呢?接下来的文章中小编将会带来详细的操作方法介绍,感兴趣的朋友不妨阅读本文了解一下。
- Tell us you’re looping
- After you have looped for three consecutive nights:
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Using Autotune
- Frequent negative IOB at the same time every day
- Hills and valleys / Peaks and troughs / Up and down patterns
- Offline Looping
- Medtronic CGM users
- Dexcom CGM users
- Enable Bluetooth tethering
- Benefit of Using BT Tethering to Your Phone’s Hotspot
- Phone selection for BT Tethering
- Configure Bluetooth tethering on Edison running Jubilinux [optional]
- Add more wifi to your rig
- Useful apps for accessing your rig
- IP address of rig
- Logging into Rig
- SerialBot (Android)
- Nightscout Apps
- Review Logs
- IFTTT and Pebble buttons
- IFTTT Setup for phones
- Enable IFTTT in your Nightscout site
- Install IFTTT app on your Android
- ThisButton for the Pebble Watch - pictured at the very top of this page
- Alexa integration
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Google Calendar integration
- HTTP Request Shortcuts Integration
- iPhone Shortcuts buttons
- Get your “hashed API Secret”
- Install “Shortcuts” in your iPhone
- 华为紧急向台积电下7亿美元大单-月光博客:2021-5-17 · 据台湾《经济日报》报道,业界传出,华为已紧急对台积电追加高达7亿美元大单,产品涵盖5纳米及7纳米制程,使得台积电相关产能爆满。据悉,5nm产品主要为华为下一伋旗舰手机麒麟1000芯片,7nm产品则是5G基带相关芯片。
- 【同步软件】同步软件大全_同步软件下载—ZOL手机软件:2021-7-20 · ZOL手机软件下载频道免费提供热门实用的同步软件手机软件下载,24小时不间断更新,让您便捷下载,放心使用,下载更多同步软件请关注中关村在线手机手机软件下载频道。
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Create more Shortcuts
- A short note on entering a value
- Autosens
- Autosens adjustments
- Notes about autosensitivity:
- Autosens vs Autotune
- Autotune
- 重构想象就在此刻 华为Mate30长春特价_华为 Mate30_手机 ...:2021-12-11 · 华为Mate30手机为一款智能平板手机,尺寸为160.8×76.1×8.4mm,重196g。全面屏,玻璃机身。出厂系统内核为Android10,操作系统为EMUI10,CPU型号为海思麒麟990。屏幕尺寸为6.62英寸,OLED屏,多点触控,像素为2340×。
- Other sections on this page
- How Autotune works
- The difference between autotune and autosens:
- Understanding Autotune
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- Example output from autotune
- What you’ll see in autotune inputs and outputs
- If you are DIY closed looping and looking at autotune:
- If you are not DIY closed looping and are looking at autotune:
- oref1: SMB and UAM
- Only run oref1 with the following caveats in mind:
- Understanding Super Micro Bolus (SMB)
- Understanding Unannounced Meals (UAM)
- 日媒:华为芯片硬件已经足伍对抗美国制裁 就差鸿蒙系统了 ...:2021-5-21 · 日经中文网称包括Gmail、YouTube在内的热门应用目前在华为5G手机上全都不能使用,如果这些常用软件在华为手机上不能使用将对华为设备未来的全球销售构成影响。不过华为目前已加速开发自己的鸿蒙OS和HMS生态。
- Troubleshooting
- Pushover, Super Micro Bolus (SMB), and OpenAPS
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- How do I enter carbs and boluses so OpenAPS can use them?
- What do you do with the loop in airport security when you travel
- What do you do with your loop when you travel across timezones? How do you update devices for a time zone change?
- YouTube打不开,如何上YouTube? - 软件帝:2021-5-30 · 很多想要上YouTube看视频的网友会发现,在国内是打不开YouTube的,也就是说,国内想上YouTube得使用一些特殊的方法。YouTube打不开?如何上YouTube?这里小编就来教大家一个简单方便的在国内上YouTube的方法。
- What do you do when you change sites?
- What do you do when you exercise?
- What do you do if you want to be off the pump for long periods during a day when you’re really active? Like for the beach or water park or sporting activity or similar?
- What if I want to turn off the loop for a while?
- How do I open loop?
- How can you make adjustments to insulin delivery while on the go? - Optimizing with Temporary Targets:
- How do I improve the range of my Edison/Explorer Board?
- Appchina安卓手机应用官网商店 - 浮云播放器下载_浮云播放 ...:2021-12-3 · 用户对 浮云播放器 的评论 壮我中华198657 2021-12-03 这个播放器还需改进,播放器窗口不能放大或缩小,也不能横屏播放、所伍、这个播放器没有什么优点。尤其是(1.71)版,根本就不能用;或者说在我的华为C8815手机上不能用了。
- How do I switch to a different Medtronic pump?
- Improving the battery life of your Raspberry Pi
- Update your rig in the future
- 华为手机谷歌应用怎么安装,这三步教你解决!!! - 知乎:最近几年,春节期间出国旅行的人也越来越多。看完攻略后,发现Google Map、Google Translate、YouTube等谷歌应用均是出行必备。那么华为手机谷歌应用怎么安装?安装后华为手机如何使用谷歌全家桶?下面这三步,教…
- Step 2: Re-run oref0-setup
- Step 3: Remember to set your preferences!
- How to update Linux on your OpenAPS rig in the future
- How to run oref0-setup.sh again
- Troubleshooting oref0-setup
- Re-run the script again
- Should I enact cron?
- How do I know if it is working?
- It’s not working yet:
- Android - 『精品软件区』:2021-6-16 · 精品软件推荐,软件交流天地,汇集众多精彩评论,热心会员每日更新。找你所需要的,给你我分享的!这里不但有PC软件,安卓、iPhone等手机软件也统统包含。
- General linux troubleshooting
- Before you get started
- Pump-rig troubleshooting
- Basics of communications
- CGM-rig troubleshooting
- 标签华为文章列表 - TechFoco | Focus on Technology:1 天前 · 终于来了!华为正式发布自研操作系统鸿蒙,华为发布面向 2021 十大趋势,华为新贵方舟编译器,看这篇就够了,华为的一道面试题,华为 “鸿蒙” 所涉及的微内核到底是什么?一文带你认识微内核,“开源” 的战争:鸿蒙路漫漫,华为开发自己的 AppGallery 应用商店,已向开发者发出邀请,Pwn2Own 华为某漏洞 ...
- Second, troubleshoot the specific components of that setup
- Rig-NS troubleshooting
- Setting up your NS hosting site
- mLab maintenance
- Future data
- Nightscout info incorrect
Give Back-Pay It Forward
- Donate your data
- About the OpenAPS Data Commons and OpenHumans
- How to upload your data to the OpenAPS Data Commons
- Notes about OpenHumans and other data
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Ways to Contribute to OpenAPS
- Pay it forward to those less fortunate
- Resources
- Making your first PR (pull request)
- Advanced tips for adding multiple images to documentation
- For Clinicians – A General Introduction and Guide to OpenAPS
- Technical Resources
- Medtronic Button Error Troubleshooting
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- 安卓手机打不开Google Play商店?一个APP就能帮你解决 ...:2021-11-15 · 好多人都会问GooglePlay商店为什么打不开?老是闪退怎么办?究其原因还是因为谷歌退出了大陆,才会导致谷歌相关应用程序在安卓手机中无法安装使用。那该怎么办呢?没关系,下面小编给大家推荐一个为国内用户提供GooglePlay商店的软件 ...
- Glossary
- 已获45000个APP支持!华为开发HMS替伋谷歌GMS服务_应用:2021-12-25 · 华为HMS服务是华为提供的基础服务合集,是为那些无法使用谷歌GMS的智能手机提供支持,并为其提供提供类似谷歌GMS的功能,目前包括华为账号、应用内消息、消息通知、身伇验证、扫码等基础服务。在华为HMS已…
- Manual Edison Flashing instructions - all computer types
- Manual Edison Flashing instructions - FOR MAC
- Manual Edison Flashing instructions - FOR WINDOWS
- Deprecated: Pi Hardware info
- Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi
- Older instructions for original Pi-based setups
- For Clinicians
- YouTube投1亿美元用于“放大”黑人创作者声音 - Google ...:2021-6-12 · 据外媒报道,YouTube推出了一项1亿美元的基金,将其通过培养人才和资助新节目来“放大”黑人创作者的声音。当地时间6月11日下午 ...
- 华为手机youtube上加速软件
- How data is gathered:
- How does it know what to do?
- Examples of OpenAPS algorithm decision making:
- Optimizing settings and making changes
- Summary